How does Tabex work?

The all natural stop smoking aid



Tabex is a herbal product that contains the natural plant extract cytisine


Tabex® has an effect on pathogenetic mechanisms of nicotine dependence:

Tabex basically mimics the effects of nicotine by stimulating pathways in the brain thus reducing cravings in a natural way.


  • The alkaloid cytisine is a powerful antagonist of nicotine receptors
  • Cytisine has wider range than nicotine which makes its profile of action much safer.
  • Cytisine reduces depressive symptoms related to discontinuation of nicotine intoxication with no psychological effects shown
  • Compared to nicotine, it has a much weaker effect on the peripheral nervous system and blood pressure in the body


Nicotine vs Cytisine. Cytisine is the active ingredient in Tabex

tabex 100 tablets

Chemical characteristics and content of Tabex

Each tablet contains 0.0015 g cytisine
Empirical formula of cytisine: C11H 14ON 2

Ensuing from the molecular orbital calculations after Kier (1969), it is evident that the molecular configurations of nicotine and acetylcholine have a quaternary nitrogen atom which is with a negative charge and located at 4.85 +/- 0.1 A, considered responsible for the nicotine-like activity in the product. In the extract cytisine the nitrogen atom in ring C appears at 4.8-9 A from the oxygen atom of the pyridine group and is also negatively charged.

Prolonged clinical studies and toxicological studies in many countries over the globe have proved the enormous harm of smoking on all organs and systems of the human body. The danger of cardiovascular incidents (peripheral vascular diseases), diseases of the respiratory system (lung cancer etc.), as well as psychic and physiological dependence of addictive type is mostly emphasized.

The treatment of nicotine addiction is a complex process in which therapy occupies an important part. Sopharma of Bulgaria produces Tabex, developed on the basis of the alkaloid Cytisine, which has an action similar to that of nicotine.

Fig. 2 Stereoisomeric formulae of cytisine and nicotine (after Barlow, R.B. and McLeod, L.J.)

Pharmacodynamics of Cytisine

Cytisine is an agonist of the cholinoreceptors in the vegetative ganglia and belongs to the group of the gangliostimulating natural drugs. It excites the nicotine-sensitive cholinoreceptors of the postsynaptic membranes in the vegetative ganglia, chromaffin cells in the molecular part of the suprarenal gland and sinocarotid reflexogenic zone, which helps in excitation of the respiratory center, predominantly through the reflexes, simulation of adrenaline release by the medullar part of the suprarenal glands and a rise in the blood pressure. After its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, cytisine plays the part of a nicotine-substitute substance which decreases the period of interaction between nicotine and the corresponding receptors. In turn this leads to a gradual decrease and interruption of the smokers’ psychic and physical nicotine dependence and helps stop cravings.

Many researchers confirm the similarity between the pharmacological properties of cytisine and nicotine and the fact Cytisine is much safer and effective, as described by Dale & Laidlaw (1912) and confirmed also by the conclusions of Zachowsky (1937), Anichkov (1937), Dobrev and Paskov (1953), Daleva (1963), etc., in whose opinion cytisine is more potent as a gangliostimulating than as a ganglioblocking agent.

Fig. 3 Mechanism of action of cytisine. Creation of the vicious cycle of tobacco addiction and the way to exit from it by means of Tabex

This similarity between the peripheral effects of cytisine and nicotine is more quantitative than qualitative. Comparable effects of both drugs have been obtained in experiments on cats and rats (studies on the blood pressure), or on guinea-pig ileum and rat diaphragm, the doses of cytisine being 1/4 to 2/3 from the nicotine dose.

Tabex is probably the most safest anti smoking product on the world market. Buy Tabex from us only for the genuine brand. Be aware of counterfeits.